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Print With Purpose


As part of the Gulfstream Goodwill organization, Good Prints trains participants from Capabilities Academy of Palm beaches with life skills that are transferable to outside employment. In addition to earning the prevailing wage while training with Good Prints, the skills our participants learn, including screen printing, art, design, shipping and logistics to help foster independence, creativity, and dignity through the power of work.

Our Community

We pride ourselves on training our participants with life skills and experiences that they can transfer out of our programs into local businesses within our surrounding areas, to live as independent members of our community.


Gulfstream Goodwill Industries (GGI) has always advocated for quality employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. In response to Florida becoming an Employment First State in 2016, Gulfstream Goodwill has been a leader in supporting persons with disabilities develop career pathways. Good Prints helps develop transferable employment skills in screen-printing, graphic design, creative art and photography as well as shipping, logistics and distribution. All participants earn prevailing wages while training within the Print Shop and are assisted with securing additional competitive employment opportunities in the community.

How it all started

-Lisa M

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